
Clopotiva, Romania (1880)

 The March number of Psychische Studien contains a report of some extraordinary stone-throwing on the 17th of November last, at the house of a gentleman named Batternay, living at Klopotiva, Siebenburgena. The account is accompanied by a ground plan of the house and its surrounding gardens, etc., to prove the impossibility of any trickery in the matter. The persons concerned are not Spiritualists, and their wonder at the occurrences is consequently all the greater. Pieces of hard earth and stones came on different occasions against the kitchen window, smashing and scattering the glass in all directions; but instead of passing through  the fracture, the missiles invariably remained outside, falling on the window-sill. 

Similar missiles fell from the solid ceiling of the room in a most unaccountable manner, and were subsequently re-projected from the kitchen floor in other directions by an invisible force in broad daylight. In one instance a stone was projected from the kitchen floor into an adjoining room, striking a bottle on the sideboard, breaking it, and, strange to say, remaining stuck, so to speak, in the fracture it had made. 

A singular feature was that in all instances the projectiles appeared to be carried instead of propelled through the atmosphere. All the phenomena occurred under circumstances entirely precluding the idea of their having been caused by mortal hands; such at least is the opinion of all the eye-witnesses, people of position, who have nothing to gain by concealing the truth.

Light, April 2nd 1881.