Derry’s Haunted House.
Mysterious nocturnal noises and ghostly visitants.
Inmates make a hurried flit.
Popular excitement: police on watch.
An extensive section of a thickly-populated district in Derry City has been thrown into a state of consternation by a series of extraordinary and mysterious nocturnal occurrences. Faint rumours of peculiar noises having been heard within an inhabited house in the vicinity of the thoroughfare known as Hogg’s Folly were circulated about a week ago. At first they were discredited as being the outcome of a practical joke. Though the inhabitants of the house were, for obvious reasons, inclined to allay undue alarm, yet the prevalent reports were corroborated with circumstantiality. As a consequence excitement in the neighbourhood increased, and it became common knowledge, by this time, where the abode which caused all the commotion was situated.
This house, which, by the way, within the past 2 or 3 days has been hurriedly vacated by the family who dwelt there, stands, as the last of a street row, on a little eminence at the junction of two thoroughfares, namely, of Hollywell and Hogg’s Folly. It is a plain-built but substantial two-storied structure, having a frontage lighted by five windows. In exterior aspect its walls contrast favourably with those of some adjoining houses, since they are freshly and neatly whitewashed. In brief, the building might be described on the view as a very suitable cottage for an artisan’s family.
It seems that there is a cellar beneath the ground floor of the cottage, and it is from this cellar that uncanny noises have been for some time emanating nightly. Patient and cool attempts to trace the origin of this mysterious visitation were made, but the investigators were baffled, and yet remain so.
Not only have these inexplicable noises been heard by the inmates of the house, but the ghostly din manifested itself so loudly after midnight on two nights of last week that it reached the ears of neighbours dwelling on the opposite side of the street. Disquieting as these incidents undoubtedly were, it appears that they alone did not determine the family to leave the place.
On one of the nights the spectral figure of a woman was seen passing slowly from one apartment to another within the house. This latter remarkable circumstance was among the particulars made known to the police when a report of the extraordinary affair was conveyed to them. The phantom femal figure was described as being clothed in a flowing robe. Then the question was put – “Of what colour?” “Of pearl grey colour,” was the reply.
The house was visited on Saturday by Sergeant Quinlivan, Sergeant Morrow, and by other members of the Bishop Street constabulary. The spectacle in the street of nights recently was wholly uncommon and not without aspects of weirdness. A number of young men who heard the news of the mysterious noises decided to test the truth of the matter for themselves by waiting at a little distance from the house outside on the road till after the midnight hour. They appeared cheerful enough at the outset, but as 12 o’clock drew nigh loud talk gave way to low whispers. The more timid left before the clock chimed; while those who remained after 12 listened with bated breath.
Some stated subsequently they heard no sounds from the house. Others asserted positively that they heard the sounds of “heavy footsteps in the cellar” though at that time it was known that the cellar was absolutely unoccupied.
Each night the listening crowd assumed larger proportions, and towards the end of the week the thoroughfare was quite filled with people discussing the mystery, for which no solution has yet been found.
From inquiries made on the spot, it appears that the house was occupied by a tenant with his wife and three children till Thursday last. On that day they removed to another dwelling; but a good deal of their furniture was left behind until Saturday, when it was conveyed to their new abode. It is now recalled as a curious coincidence that the previous tenant left the place less than a year ago. His decision was suddenly come to, and he declined to discuss – even with his wife – his reasons for leaving, on the very day after he had arrived home late one night.
Irish News and Belfast Morning News, 10th August 1908.
Police Watch For A Ghost.
Remarkable story from Derry.
Tenants flee from “Haunted House”.
Derry City is at present rejoicing in the possession of a haunted house. Already the ghostly visitor has banished the tenants of the house, and now it cuts nocturnal capers in the cellar what time the wakeful citizens listen and shudder at a respectful distance. The afflicted house is in the South Ward of the Maiden City, and the story of the ghostly visitation first gained currency a few days ago. It was not a pleasant time for the occupants, who were openly laughed at when they first told of their midnight experiences. Eventually they could stand it no longer, and hurriedly vacated the dwelling, which is the last of a street row, on a little eminence at the junction of two thoroughfares, Hollywell Street and Hogg’s Folly.
It is a plainly-built but substantial two-storeyed structure, having a frontage lighted by five windows. There is a cellar, and it is from this cellar that uncanny noises have been for some time emanating nightly. Patient and cool attempts to trace the origin of the noises were made, but the investigators were baffled and yet remain so. These inexplicable noises have been heard not only by the inmates of the house, but the ghostly din manifested itself so loudly after midnight on two nights of last week that it reached the ears of neighbours dwelling on the opposite side of the street. Disquieting as these incidents undoubtedly were, they alone did not determine the family to leave the place. On one of the nights the spectral figure of a woman was seen passing slowly from one apartment to another within the house.
This latter remarkable circumstance was among the particulars made known to the police when a report of the extraordinary affair was conveyed to them. The phantom female figure was described as being clothed in a flowing robe “of real grey.”
The house was visited on Saturday by Sergeant Quinlivan, Sergeant Morrow, and by other members of the Bishop Street constabulary who, indeed, owing to the information they got, have been pretty constantly in the neighbourhood for the past four or five days engaged in “watching for the ghost.”
Indeed the spectacle in the street of nights recently was wholly uncommon and not without aspects of weirdness. A number of young men who heard the news of the mysterious noises decided to test the truth of the matter for themselves by waiting at a little distance from the house outside on the road till after the midnight hour. They appeared cheerful enough at the outset, but as twelve o’clock drew nigh loud talk gave way to low whispers. The more timid left before the clock chimed, while those who remained after twelve listened with bated breath. Some stated subsequently they heard no sounds from the house. Others asserted positively that they heard sounds of “heavy footsteps in the cellar,” though at that time it was known that the cellar was absolutely unoccupied.
Each night the listening crowd assumed larger proportions, and towards the end of the week the thoroughfare was quite filled with people discussing the mystery for which no solution has yet been found.
Ulster Gazette, 15th August 1908.