
Eckhart Mines, Maryland, USA (1888)

 Mysterious stone throwing.

Cumberland, Md., special to the Baltimore Sun.

For over a week past the family of Samuel Myers, at Eckhart, Alleghany county, have been annoyed by mysterious stone throwing, which took place at all hours of the day, and was seemingly directed at one particular window, every light in which is broken.

The window attacked is the most inaccessible in the house, being protected by a wing of the building and by fruit trees. The stones are not very large and come with just sufficient force to break the glass. 

The mysterious occurrences have caused considerable stir in the village, and Sunday and Monday the house was closely watched by neighbours at every point, but the invisible stone-thrower continued his work undiscovered, and the mystery remains unsolved. 

Mr Myers is a respectable citizen, and knows of no enemy who would play him such a prank. At last accounts the manifestations had ceased, but the house is still watched in anticipation of their recurrence.

The Atlanta Constitution, 7th September 1888.