
Edinburgh (1873)

 Spiritual Manifestations in Edinburgh.

For the last two months a rumour has been afloat in the north-west portion of Edinburgh that two of the houses in quiet and retired Ann Street are visited by certain “spirits” whose presence is said to be indicated by mysterious knockings on the doors and walls of the houses. These sounds are heard at all hours of the night and day, and have been a source of considerable astonishment and annoyance to the inhabitants, especially to the female portion of the households.

All possible means have been taken to discover the cause of the “manifestations” by the people residing in the houses and by the police and detectives; but in spite of all the far-seeing qualities of the latter, they have been unable to discover their origin.

The “spirits” appear to be of a migratory character. They took up their abode in one house during the month of December, and when 1873 came in, they, apparently thinking that a change was advisable, removed to the adjoining house, where, it is said, they carry on their malicious rappings in much the same manner as in their first residence. We hear that a movement is afoot to secure the services of one of the learned professors of the University, in the hope that he may probe the mystery to the bottom, and ease the troubled minds of the afflicted inmates of the “possessed” houses. – Daily Review.

Falkirk Herald, 18th January 1873.