Latest Manifestation From The Spirit World.
A correspondent says – We have often heard of the extraordinary performances of spirits when summoned back to the world by the potent spell of some “medium,” but as none of these mediums have hitherto visited our own neighbourhood, the spirits left us alone in our ignorance and unbelief until about a fortnight ago when the usual quiet monotony of a rural hamlet less than a dozen miles west from Elgin, was broken in upon by one of those intangible visitants who commenced operations by an occasional rap-tap on the ceiling of the room occupied by an old widow lady who has for long been a dealer in “spirits.”
Little notice was taken of these performances for some time, until his spiritship, apparently getting annoyed at being thus slighted, laid on a little harder, and finally the plaster of the ceiling began to give way and came tumbling in clouds of dust about the old lady’s ears, which so startled her that she sent for some tradesmen who explored the house but failed to make any discovery. The explorers had scarcely left when the rapping commenced as vigorously as ever, and has since been continued at intervals almost every day, causing quite a sensation in the district. The parson and the policeman have both been on the ground, but the wisdom of the one and the cuteness of the other are equally at fault, and the grand mystery remains unsolved, unless the solution be contained in the conjecture of a neighbour that this spirit has been sent on by the “Montrose Baker Boy,” out of revenge on the good old lady because she, some time ago, refused to supply him with the other spirit.
Elgin Courier, 26th April 1867.