An American Ghost Story.
The Troy Press is responsible for the following ghost story: – There is a house standing on the old canal near Fort Ann, the family residing in which have frequently heard strange noises about the house, such as raps, moving of chairs, whispering as of persons in conversation and the like. But on Friday last, after the family had retired, things became startling. An apparition in human form was seen by the man and his wife. It approached the bed and looked at them. The man became alarmed and fled, but the wife declared she would not be driven from her home by a ghost; satisfied that a mere spirit could inflict no corporal injury, she put herself upon her mettle. But the strange visitor played so many singular pranks that she at length became alarmed and fled also, leaving the house alone with the spirit.
The next day the man declared he saw something that resembled one S.P.P., but S.P.P. declares it could not have been he, for he still finds himself in the flesh; nor is he conscious of having left the body during the night in question. It has been much talked about since, but no satisfactory solution has been reached.
Edinburgh Evening News, 1st October 1873.