Family flee home as haunting turns violent.
By Conor Feehan.
A family has been forced to flee its home after claims that ghosts and poltergeists made their life hell, dragging them from their beds, beating them up and trying to lure their children away. The terrified Corcoran family say the ghostly beatings have gone on for seven years now, and a top psychic says the spirits are the worst she has come across. The Galway city family became so scared they called in the services of Sandra Rhamdani to help.
Father of nine John Corcoran (31) says he was dragged from his bed and flung on the floor, and is now terrified to sleep in the house. His wife Kate (31) says even her ten-year-old daughter Julie Ann has been lured from the house in the middle of the night. “She has been led down the stairs. We have had to lock the doors to stop her escaping,” said Kate.
But the most violence is perpetrated in the Corcoran’s own bedroom,where jealousy seems to be the driving factor. “We decided not to sleep there at night when John woke up and saw a woman standing at the end of the bed,” said Kate. “He touched me on the shoulder and asked me if I could see her too, and I could,” she added.
When John switched on the television the ghostly apparition “flew out the window” according to Kate.
But it is not every night that the spirit woman leaves. “The spirit seems to be jealous of John, or does not want John in the same room as me,” she added. “One time the spirit grabbed John’s arms and pulled them behind his back. He was in agony as he tried to free himself,” said Kate.
According to the family, who now sleep at John’s mother’s house, the spirits appear about twice a week, and have been doing so for the past seven years. They think the ghosts may have something to do with the nearby Rahoon cemetery, said to contain the graves of Famine victims.
Terrified: Ghosts beat on husband John, and tried to lure the kids.
Evening Herald (Dublin), 28th September 2006.