
Glyn Abbey, Carmarthenshire (1946)

The “ghost” took a day off when two policemen moved in.

A “spirit” that moved china and pictures in a farmhouse and threw stones down the chimney, took a night off when two policemen moved in at Glyn Abbey, Carmarthenshire. The “spirit” had worried farmer David Williams and his family. Previously a friend of the family had kept a night vigil after weird happenings. He took a 12-bore sporting gun with him, rested the gun on a gate, and waited. When he looked around, the gun had disappeared.

The spirit, “resting” for twenty years, had suddenly alarmed the Williams family by stacking china on the kitchen hob, carrying a picture downstairs, breaking a stuffed owl in a glass case and tearing paper off the walls. 

Local spiritualist circles have asked the farmer if they may make the farmhouse the subject of psychic research.

Daily Mirror, 21st December 1946.


 The “noisy spirit” at Glasbury Farm, Glyn Abbey, near Llanelly, has ceased operations since the all-night vigil of two Llanelly police officers early last week. Mr David Williams, the 62-year-old famer, told a Western Mail reporter on Saturday that apart from odd knockings and bumpings nothing out of the way had happened for a couple of days. “I have,” said Mr Williams, “had some Spiritualists here from Ferryside, who have assured me that there is nothing to worry about unduly as the spirit is not likely to do any personal harm to any member of the family. My wife and I are continuing to stay at the farm, but we have sent our son to stay with relatives in the Llandilo district.”

A Western Mail reporter found in the farm house passage that large sections of the wallpaper and plastering had been stripped off the walls, and drawers o a tall-boy in the front room emptied on to the floor. Large stones said to have fallen down the chimney and off the roof were also there.

Glasbury Farm is in a very lonely spot about three-quarters of a mile from the nearest road between the villages of Trimsaran and Glyn Abbey.

Western Mail, 23rd December 1946.


He’ll try to talk to farm ghost.

If strange happenings at lonely Glasbury Farm, Carmarthenshire, continue, a private investigator is going to try to “talk” to the ghost that is “troubling” Mr David Williams at his farmhouse home. The investigator is Mr W Burgess, 45, company director, of Ferryside, Carmarthenshire. “If the curious events at Glasbury Farm persist,” he said last night, “I will hold a seance there with a special clairvoyant medium who will be able to see the disturbed spirit. We shall then know the full story.”

Daily Mirror, 27th December 1946.