True Intelligence Extraordinary.
The inhabitants of the town of Greenwich have for some time past been alarmed with the account of a Ghost, or rather a supernatural noise, which makes great disturbance in the house of a petty Officer of a Man of War, in Cock-yard. His daughter, a Girl about thirteen years of age, is the most affected by it; whatever room she lies in, the noise pursues her; and the pillow and bolster are frequently, in the sight of numbers of persons, by some unseen agent, drawn from under her head, and forcibly thrown upon her face. Strange sounds are also heard at the same time in the lower part of the house, particularly in the cellar, where the Spirit seems to labour very hard.
The affair is similar in some respects to that of the famous Cock-lane Ghost; but the girl does not accuse any person, on the information of her secret acquaintance, or pretend to know any cause for her being haunted; she puts her hands out of bed, and does every thing required by the auditors, to prevent any suspicion of imposture, and seems at times in great agonies, from the visitations of this extraordinary disorder.
Kentish Gazette, 12th February 1771.