
Guyra, New South Wales, Australia (1921)

 Queer manifestations near the Queensland Border.

“Mediumistic” Girl.

Sydney (received to-day).

Weird events, which attracted a great amount of attention here, occurred at Guyra, a small place near the Queensland border. The Sydney correspondent of the Central News states that a girl was making her way home when a man stepped out of some bushes and attempted to seize her. She evaded him and ran home, but the man pursued her. She was able to reach home in safety.

Since then the house where she lives has been the scene of mysterious happenings which have caused great excitement. The same night as the attempted attack was made on the girl knockings were heard on the wall and the windows of the house were broken by large bricks. An immediate search was made in the vicinity but nothing was discovered which would solve the mystery.

The following night the house, and especially the room of the girl, were again attacked by missiles. Again a search was made by members of the family, but once more they failed to discover anything. The family obtained assistance which was readily forthcoming, and eighty people surrounded the house. In spite of this the knockings and the brick throwing continued. The girl was taken away from the house, whilst seventy persons watched, and that evening nothing happened.

The following morning, when a party of motorists were going to visit the house of mystery, a large stonen struck a tree that they were passing. On examination the stone was found to be marked with a red cross.

The next afternoon the girl was brought home and immediately she arrived a large stone entered the window of the room in which she was. 

A few nights later new tactics were tried with a view to solving the mystery. Thirty people were placed at various points round the house, and four men guarded the girl in her bedroom. It was not long before heavy stones struck the walls. The girl was quietly removed from the bedroom to the kitchen, whereupon the bombardment of the bedroom ceased and the kitchen came under fire.

Amongst the theories advanced as to the cause of the stone throwing, and whence come the missiles, is one that the stones lying about the house have in some way developed explosive character, but this is not regarded as a likely solution as the men stationed in the girl’s room stated that there were blows on the wall but no stones fell to the ground.

A Spiritualist became interested, and he used the girl as a medium, the result being that a message was received from the girl’s dead sister. 

There has been no abatement in the throwing of the stones, and the view of the chief of police, who has the matter in hand, is that “larrikins” – or  hooligans – are at work, but the spirit theory is the one that is the most favoured. – Central News.

Westminster Gazette, 1st June 1921.