Spirit Communion Eighty Years Ago.
Mr Charles Corliss, of Boston, Mass.
I have a fact to relate which happened about eighty years ago. My grandfather, Mr Joshua Corliss, who lived in New Hampshire, not far from Haverhill, used to hear strange noises, and one day listened and heard singing, and the sound of voices, as though in conversation. After he had heard it a number of times he asked: “Who are you?” and the answer came: “We are the fairies.” Now, all this seemed strange, but he talked with them, and thinking if he could hear them others ought to, which proved to be the case, and many of the neighbours came in to hear the beautiful singing, and talk with the fairies.
One of these fairies said his name was John, and to him my grandfather addressed his questions, always receiving an answer. Many times John was sent to some neighbour’s house to see what they were doing and report on returning, and upon inquiring found he was correct.
These were every-day occurrences in his home, and could he have understood what we now know, those intelligences which we called fairies might have brought to him the knowledge of spirit return and communion over forty years before its revelation at Hydesville.
Facts – Devoted to the statements of mental and spiritual phenomena, vol. III, no.8, August 1884.
It reminds me of Gef the mongoose.