Ghostly goings-on in council flat.
Ghostly goings-on at a Midland flat have led to a frightened family pleading with their council housing department for a move. Mrs Jo Brant and her grand-daughter Zoe claim they are being terrorised by a poltergeist at their home in Newton Farm, Hereford. Mrs Brant, aged 67, and Zoe, aged 15, say they have been scared by objects flying around the rooms of their flat. Airborne coffee cups and pictures have soared past, narrowly missing them, curtains have opened and closed and the television has turned on and off. The final straw, however, was when Zoe was physically assaulted by the malevolent ghost.
“We were petrified,” said Mrs Brant. “Some pictures missed us by inches and unit doors in the kitchen were flying open. The dog won’t go into Zoe’s bedroom at all now. He just runs straight back out.” Mrs Brant, who has lived in the flat for six years said: “I have never experienced anything like this in my life.”
Zoe said they had moved out of the flat temporarily until they get a move. She said she had felt a hand gripping her arm, causing her to drop her cup. The assault left red marks which were seen and treated by their family doctor. “It’s worse at night,” said Mrs Brant. “We’ve seen the figure of a white lady in the bedrooms and when we get up in the mornings things have been moved around.”
Coun Clem Tudge, chairman of Hereford City Council’s housing committee, said his department was aware of the problems and had advised Mrs Brant to contact her local vicar. The matter was being thoroughly investigated. The ghostly goings-on have been witnessed by ward councillor John Newman, who was called to the Brant household the day before Christmas Eve. He telephoned his wife from the house, but when he hung up he could still hear voices coming from the mouthpiece. Mrs Brant said: “Something bad has happened in that house.”
South Wye Ministry team chaplain the Rev. Richard Green said it was quite a common phenomenon.
Birmingham Daily Post, 10th January 1996.