Shades of the Guyra Ghost.
Homebush police are investigating the most mysterious crime in their district for the year – ghostly stone-throwing which continues each night from 7 o’clock to midnight. One house in Bridge Street, Homebush, seems to be singled out as the recipient of the stones which come from the darkness, and this fact may assist the police somewhat in their investigation. So far the visitation ahs been a nightly one for a week past. Stones come crashing to the roof at odd times during the night, and already the whole household is on tenterhooks. They never know when one will come through a window and injure some of the occupants. Usually there is a lapse of about an hour between each cast, the place having just settled when the mysterious thrower sends another stone crashing on the roof. Police have paid visits to the neighbourhood two or three nights, but no stones have come over while they have been in the vicinity.
Glen Innes Examiner, 4th January 1930.