
Hull (1901)

The Wellington-street “ghost” story is growing, and from the information to hand there is abundant material for investigation. A gentleman of repute in town is making inquiries into the matter.

The suggestion is that a boy who belongs to the house is followed by a noise which consists in “tapping” and “scratching.” If he lies on the bed the noise is there, and in fact accompanies him all over the house. Naturally, the lad is very frightened.

And so the boy has been sent to the house of a relative to sleep, and as a test to see if the “noise” follows him there. The whole thing appears absurd, but there are scores of people prepared to prove that the lad is surrounded by mysterious sounds in this particular dwelling.

Hull Daily Mail, 15th August 1901.

The Wellington-street “ghost” still remains a mystery. Several people have investigated the singular sounds without being able to arrive at a satisfactory solution.

Hull Daily Mail, 22nd August 1901.