“Rappings in a house off Spring-bank.
Sir- I have read with great interest about the rapping in the house off Holderness-road. I thought you would perhaps like to hear my experience in a house off the Spring-bank. About 14 years ago I lived there and one night when I went to bed I heard a faint rapping in the room. I didn’t take much notice of it, but the next night it was louder. I took all the boards up, but could see nothing. It continued about a month.
When we went upstairs softly it would rap very quietly, but if we ran upstairs or made a noise it would clatter and bang; you could hear it across the road. If you hummed or whistled a tune it would knock the time to it.
We kept it quiet at the time, only the neighbours knowing about it. I could tell you many more things about it that would surprise you, and all are quite true; if the party interested would like to know more, if he inquires my address at the “Mail” Office I shall be pleased to tell him more. – I am, Sir, etc., M.S. August 28th, 1912.
Hull Daily Mail, 29th August 1912.