One of those mysterious and uncomfortable stone-throwing phenomena, which the Spiritualists, if they were open to conviction, would angrily repudiate as the work of human spirits, has been occurring at Jalpaiguri, on the way to Darjiling. A poor Mussulman is the victim. According to the ‘Advocate’ (Lucknow) from nightful to dawn, on all days of the week and during day time on Tuesdays and Saturdays, brickbats, stones, pebbles, and fruits of various kinds, among which papiya predominates, are seen to fall into the rooms from the ceiling, and utensils and edibles are mysteriously transferred from rooms with doors bolted or locked to the enclosure or open yard opposite the house. The manifestations have, we are told, lasted for several days. Let this be added to the several similar cases that have from time to time been reported in these pages.
The Theosophist, March 1895.