Missiles in Haunted House.
Weird happenings have been taking place at a house in Troye Street, Johannesburg, where stones, bricks, nuts, bolts, tins, bread, planks, and other missiles have crashed through doors and windows. A close watch kept by the police has failed to solve the mystery.
Thirteen plain-clothes policemen assisted at a seance held in the house by a medium who went into a trance and purported to receive spirit messages from one “WIlliam Thomas” whodeclared that he had lived there before he passed over to the other world and that the attacks on the house were due to venom and spite. The spirit promised to do what it could to stop the throwing. Another spirit also offered assistance.
On a previous occasion while one policeman was parading the small backyard and another watched from the roof a three-foot plank came hurtling through the back door and a tin hit the bedroom wardrobe and fell on to a bed. When the police went inside they were struck by a missile that came from without. A whole collection of missiles that came through doors and windows has been made.
Belfast Telegraph, 16th September 1929.