
Kampong Tebok Mufrat, Malaysia (1954)

Grandma plagued by merry spook.

Teluk Anson, Mon.

A poltergeist that has plagued Grandmother Mor binte Ma’on of Kampong Tebok Mufarat in north-west Selangor for almost two months, is on the war path again, after her pawang, the third to be engaged, had failed to drive it out of the house. Instead of using its usual bag of tricks – flinging coconut shells, empty bottles and pieces of firewood all over house – the poltergeist dropped its “P-bomb” in the battle for supremacy.

No sooner had Grandma Mor cooked her pot of rice than she would find it soaked in kerosene oil. At another time when she went to the kitchen to take a pot of cooked rice, she found it had disappeared. After a frantic search she found the pot underneath the house.

But Grandma Mor was not so easily scared or beaten. She has now got herself a fourth pawang, a Javanese from Batu Pahat in Johore. The pawang is still at work and Grandma Mor hopes to have a respite.

The Straits Times, 14th December 1954.