
Kennington, London (1810)

Extraordinary Case.

The neighbourhood of Kennington has for some time past been both amused and alamred by an unusual and extraordinary circumstance. – A respectable person, while at home at his house, about one o’clock on Wednesday, the 11th instant, was disturbed by an unusual knocking at his front door. On going to the door, the knocker continued to play, although no person was near it – at the same time the clock in the house began to strike. The person suspecting some one was playing him a trick, had the knocker taken off the door, beat about with a hammer, and laid on a table, when it began to perform its operations in conjunction with the clock, and continued without intermission for the space of an hour.

On the Wednesday following, at the same hour, they were again alarmed by the same unusual noise, without being enabled in any measure to account for its cause. Some old women in the neighbourhood were so much alarmed, as to mention the necessity of reading prayers, to avert the judgment that seemed to threaten them, or to prevent a recurrence of the same, which they fully expected yesterday, at the usual hour.

General Evening Post, 26th April 1810.