
Kolkata, India (1930)

 A Haunted Family.

‘Lives made miserable for years.’

Child thrown down well and a baby on a roof.

Calcutta, Thursday.

A letter of considerable interest to spiritualists appears this morning in a Calcutta newspaper. The letter, which is signed Mukundial Agarwal, advocate of Pihbhit, U.P., appeals to anyone willing to help the respectable Vaishya family there, whose lives have been made miserable for years by visitations from some invisible and destructive agency whose manifestations for the last twelve months have been most active.

About a year ago a 12-year-old boy was suddenly thrown to the bottom of a well and killed instantly, while an eight-month-old baby was transported to the roof of a three-storey house. The baby, however, survived the event.

Articles of food, utensils, and cash disappear under the noses of the inmates, while showers of bricks rain down like a hailstorm, and knocks are heard day and night at the doors of the house.

Not content with these pastimes the unwelcome guests have now commenced setting fire to clothes hanging on pegs or even in bundles. Inside locked steel boxes over £75 has been lost during the last fortnight. – Reuter.

Lancashire Evening Post, 4th September 1930.