[I suggest that ‘Koeroesbanya’ could be the place in the title, as otherwise it doesn’t seem to exist. Korosladany is in the south of Hungary]
The Vienna correspondent of ‘The Morning Leader’ reports that Hungarian newspapers have recently published particulars respecting a young Roumanian girl, named Tirna Valean, of Koeroesbanya, in Southern Hungary, of whom it is said that:
“wherever she stands or walks stones and pieces of wood fall from the sky upon her, but without hurting or even hitting her. The burgomaster, the judge, the school-mistress, and other reliable persons who have repeatedly seen these mysterious occurrences are quite unable to explain them. The local doctor proposes to send the girl to a hospital in Budapest for examination. The priests suggest that Tirna should be treated by exorcists. She is now in the house of the parish priest, who offered her protection as the villagers persecuted her as a witch.”
Light, 28th January 1911.