Mysterious fire in B.D. Member’s house.
By our staff correspondent.
A mysterious fire which suddenly envelops clothes and other goods in the house of Ghulam Muhammad Halwai in Lahore Cantonment, has caused a great sensation in the locality. This mysterious fire has been appearing in the house of Mr Ghulan Muhammad, a member of a union committee, twice or thrice daily.
It was noted on the first occasion when a locked box full of clothes suddenly caught fire and started emitting smoke. Scared, the owner opened the box and removed the clothes to another box. Within a few minutes there were flames in the second box too. When this was opened it was found that some mysterious hand had cut the clothes to pieces before burning them.
Yesterday two cots lying in the courtyard of the house suddenly caught fire in the presence of a number of onlookers and members of the family. The cause of this fire is not known. People of the locality ascribe it to some supernatural phenomenon.
Civil and Military Gazette (Lahore), 3rd November 1960.
Jinn ordered out of house.
Mysterious fire in city.
By our staff correspondent.
The haunted house belonging to Ghulam Muhammad Halwai in Lahore cantonment continued to cause sensation in the locality yesterday. A large number of people thronged the house in the morning and were witnesses to two mysterious fires. The phenomenon was more mysterious because some clothes hung on pegs suddenly caught fire. One of the onlookers in order to test the phenomenon hung his shirt on one of the pegs in a room of the house which bolted from outside. When he entered the room after 15 minutes he found his shirt burnt.
Ghulam Muhammad Halwai later called a pious divine who is said to have read some pieces from the Holy Book. According to the people in the locality, the divine has ordered seven jinn out of the house. Since the visit of the divine, the mysterious fire has not recurred.
Meanwhile, police have also appeared on the scene and they are conducting their own investigations. The loss of Ghulam Muhammad Halwai is estimated at Rs. 5,000.
Civil and Military Gazette (Lahore), 4th November 1960.