Mysterious stone throwing. Cumberland, Md., special to the Baltimore Sun. For over a week past the family of Samuel Myers, at Eckhart, Alleghany county, have been annoyed by mysterious stone throwing, which took place at
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Port Louis, Mauritius (1881)
Murder and witchcraft in Mauritius. A correspondent at Port Louis, writing of the growth of witchcraft in Mauritius, relates an extraordinary incident that occurred there about three years ago. A noted sorcerer, a black, named
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The Reverend A.J.E. to whom repeated reference will be made was the Reverend Abraham J. Emerick, a Jesuit Missionary who took up work in Jamaica in 1895, at first in Kingston, and subsequently in the
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Ghost or Joker? Southport police have a rather curious matter in hand. The staff in a local architect’s office is considerably puzzled by the fact that on several occasions the furniture and other things have
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That examples of poltergeist in the West Indies are not restricted to Jamaica is evidenced by the testimony of Sir Hesketh Bell, and we cannot better close the present chapter than by giving at length
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Stoned by a spirit. Followed him when he flitted. Nobody has seen thrower. Neither detectives nor a witch doctor have been able to solve the mystery of the stoning of a white man by a
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Chapter 6. Poltergeist. It was about three years ago that Lord Olivier, a former Governor of Jamaica, wrote to me: “The occasional outburst of this ‘poltergeist’ phenomenon in Jamaica is remarkable. I investigated with some
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“Kutti Sattan,” “little Sattan,” is a familiar spirit invoked in performing juggling tricks. The name is almost the same as the Hebrew word Satan, though there does not appear to be any philological connection between
Continue ReadingNew Hackensack, New York, USA (1789)
“Spirit Rappings” an old humbug. Errors and delusions, as well as fashions, like comets, have an eccentric orbit; but their periodical return may be calculated with considerable certainty. Among the records of the past it
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Hollingbourne Ghost. Unseen hand that flung coal and potatoes. Bangs at night. Following the sensation caused by the announcement that a Shoreham girl, Vera Obbard, was the object of attack of some ghost or spirit
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