
Leominster, Herefordshire (1986)

 Haunted by the ghost of little Stephen.

The council house where tragic toddler Stephen Gundy spent his last sad days has become a torment for its new tenants. Andrew Parry (22), his 20-year-old wife Alison and their baby, Danielle – who now live in the house in Cornhill Road, Leominster, Hereford and Worcester – say they are being haunted by Stephen’s memory.

The couple claim they have heard ghostly sobbing coming from the room where the toddler lay in terrible filth during his final days. Last week, Worcester Crown Court jailed Stephen’s father, Robert, and remanded his mother, Dawn, on bail pending reports after they were found guilty of ill-treating and neglecting the youngster. Stephen died of pneumonia and hypothermia after he was found lying in his maggot-infested bed and the Parrys claim the council made a shoddy job of cleaning up.

Mrs Parry said: “If we had known what it was like, we wouldn’t have come here. “We both think we’ve heard crying from upstairs, where Stephen used to sleep.” The family now sleep in the sitting room for fear of going into the scene of the tragedy.

Coventry Evening Telegraph, 3rd February 1986.