
Lidget Hill, Oakworth, West Yorkshire (1906)

 A Scar Top “Ghost”.

Old man terrorised by mysterious noises.

A ghost story emanates from the district of Scar Top, in the Oakworth Parish, a lonely country place some four miles beyond Keighley, on the moorland road leading into Lancashire.

About half a mile below Mr Alfred Illingworth’s country seat there is a small villa known as Throstle’s Nest. Here Mr Hutton, an old man, and a retired musician, lives in quiet retirement. He has only been in residence a few months. Previous to that the Throstle Nest had been empty for a long time, and it had fallen into a dilapidated condition, but renovations have given it quite a smart appearance. Here a mysterious nocturnal visitor’s ghostly pranks have terrorised the old man, and caused him to flee to a neighbouring farmstead.

On Sunday midnight Mr Hutton was awakened from his slumbers by strange tappings at the upper windows and the doors below. Although very much frightened the old gentleman made a search. There was nobody to be seen at the windows, however, and nothing below, and Mr Hutton crept back to his bed. But again the strange knocking commenced, and continued for a long period. The old man kept to his bed throughout the night.

With the break of dawn the rappings ceased, and Mr Hutton summoned up sufficient courage to venture abroad. He hied himself to the farmstead of Mr Feather, adjoining Heather View, the residence of Mr Carter, where he detailed his experiences of the night. At Mr Feather’s house he was allowed to remain, and for the time being Throstle Nest is again deserted.

Shipley Times and Express, 17th August 1906.