An Exciting Ghost Story.
A most curious case was heard at Lisbellaw (County Fermanagh) petty sessions. James Allen prosecuted Francis Armstrong, a domestic servant, for leaving his service without giving notice. The old man, Armstrong, had an impediment in his speech and appeared nearly blind.
Captain Butler – What do you say to this charge? Armstrong – Oh! your honour, sir, at night, when all was sleep the house was nearly thrown down, the way things were rattled in the kitchen. I saw lights round me, and –
Captain Butler – What! was it ghosts troubled you? Armstrong – I don’t know, sir, dear, what unearthly thing it was; but I heard it and saw the lights, and then a white woman came to my bed.
(Oh! oh! Laughter)
Mr Sankey – Did he complain of this when leaving? Allen – He said he would not come back to the house at night for the broad earth. He asserted that my mother was dead in England and that her ghost came to him. I have a letter here (produced) to prove my mother is a living woman – as live as ever.
(Great laughter).
Mr Graham, solicitor – Bosh, sir; it does not signify a single farthing to this case whether she is living or dead.
Captain Butler – This is an extraordinary case. What are we to do?
Armstrong – Oh, your reverances, your worships – (laughter) – I was scared to death in it. Before the white woman came, many a night the great heavy things rolled over me in my bed and crushed me to death. I leave myself to the mercy of the Court. Punish me as light as you can, but for God’s sake don’t bid me go back when I escaped with my life. I would not take the whole wide world and go near it another night.
Captain Butler – Let him be discharged and paid for the period he served.
Armstrong – May the Lord keep your worships from all dangers. – (Laughter).
Saunders’s News-Letter.
Dundee Courier, 6th June 1872.