Supernatural Window breaking.
Our readers may recollect what a panic was excited a few years ago, by the mysterious breaking of windows in a house in John street, in this town. The house was an object of curiosity and terror during several days; and, if we are to believe those who declared themselves as witness to the fact, bricks and stones without any ceremony made their way through the windows, from without, though not one of the hundreds of spectators in the streets could see any thing of them in their passage.
Some bricks however, it is said, sent on this mysterious errand, were actually seen passing over Williamson’s square; and had a sulphurous smell, which proved they were “not of this world.”
It was easy however for any observer who had sufficient calmness to examine the appearance of the house, to discover that the windows were broken by some person within. The panes of every sash in th ehouse were broken, except one, every square of which was entire.
The reason was obvious – it was blocked up within. These kind of tricks have been often played off; and are generally to be attributed to the agency of persons some way interested in getting the property into their hands, by creating a persuasion that the house is subject to supernatural visitation.
Liverpool Mercury, 21st January 1814.