
London (1796)

 An absurd story of a Ghost (similar to that in Cock-lane) has been raised with some artful design, at a house in Newcastle-court, near Temple-bar; and for some days a set of idle fellows, some of them from the love of sport, and more from the desire of riot, for the sake of plunder, have collected round the place. At length the Magistrates were obliged to send officers to disperse the multitude.

Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette, 5th May 1796.


A second Cock-lane Ghost has for several days and nights past, played its ghostly pranks at a lodging house, No. 16, Newcastle-court, Butcher row. The difference between this and the Cock-lane shadow is, that it appears in propria persona

One woman lodger declared, that she was ready to make her davy, that she had hold of his coat, and attempted to stop him, but she instantly fainted away. This ridiculous business has made some noise in the neighbourhood, and the affair has been transferred to Bow-street to be investigated.

Cambridge Intelligencer, 7th May 1796.