Objects “Flying Through Air.”
Kentucky “ghost” report.
Louisville, Kentucky, Jan. 3. (A.A.P.)
Police and neighbours have been trying since Sunday to lay a “ghost” in the home of Mr and Mrs Henry Thacker, in Louisville. Several people reported seeing objects in the house flying through the air. They could offer no explanation of the phenomenon. “It is just unbelievable to all of us,” Mrs Thacker said. “Sometimes just a few small objects move, but at other times it is like a shower of rain with things flying over your head.”
A local television station set up a camera in the house, but it failed to record anything unusual. Two police officers whom the Thackers called were sceptical about the reports until, they said, they saw Christmas cards, bottle caps and a pin mysteriously move from one room to another in the house last night. One of the policemen was almost hit by a cardboard box which rose from a dressing table struck the ceiling and flew towards him.
A youth who boards with the Tackers said: “We saw Mr Thacker’s spectacles jump from a table to a chair three feet away.” Other incidents reported in the house were a heavy photograph album rose from a table and whirled about in the air, a corn cob floated up from the basement to the dining room.
Scientists from the University of Louisville and the University of Kentaucky were to investigate the phenomenon to-day.
Cairns Post, Queensland, 4th Jan 1952.