Ghostly goings-on in the market hall.
By Peter Craig.
Grimsby ghostbuster Robin Furman has been called in to probe strange goings-on in Louth’s Old Market Hall. Objects have been seen to fly through the air, staff have reported strange smells, and there is a ghostly cat. Eyewitnesses include a former Grimsby and Louth magistrate and fellow shop staff. She has enlisted the help of the Mayor of Louth, Coun. Clive Finch, and Mr Furman.
Next year the old hall, which was built in 1866, is set for a major revamp estimated to cost around £200,000. Simons of Lincoln plan to install a number of businesses on two levels. Before that Mr Furman has been called in to probe the bizarre goings-on.
Shop assistant and former magistrate Judy Ireland told how, shortly after Christmas last year, a cat walked out in front of her in the area of the front doorway. “But it wasn’t solid, it was as if it wasn’t all there,” she said.
Three months ago, staff began turning up their noses at the smell of rotten cabbages. The smell could last half an hour then disappear.
And on one occasion, saucepans that were securely held on a shelf began rattling. On another day, one of the saucepans flew off the shelf and landed on the stone floor.
But the vivid incident happened when Mrs Ireland was sorting out the contents on a display table and the lid from a swing-bin flew out and down one of the aisles. In order to take the direction it took, it had to overcome some upright mirrors stacked against the swing bins. Its flightpath had to take it up a couple of feet before it could then shoot down the aisle.
“I honestly don’t know what’s going on. The other staff have noticed things too,” said Mrs Ireland. She said she has an ability to sense “presences” along with her mother, daughter, granddaughter and brothers.
The Mayor has highlighted the hall’s brewery traditions. He said: “Inquiries are being made into the history of the area. It may be an ancient burial ground. I don’t know where these forces come from, but they make you ponder.”
Mrs Ireland in the Old Market Hall store with the flying swing-bin.
Grimsby Daily Telegraph, 14th September 1994.