
Maidstone, Kent (1909)

 Members’ uncanny experience.

The “South Eastern Gazette” is responsible for the following strange story: On Saturday night an incident of a remarkable kind occurred at one of the clubs of Maidstone. Sounds were heard of something dropping in different parts of the billiard room, and it was eventually found that these sounds were produced by shots such as are used for sporting gun cartridges. It was at first thought that the shots were being thrown through the open windows by someone outside, but this was found to be an impossibility. 

Those in the room stood perplexed for a while, and meanwhile the shots continued to fall, apparently from the ceiling, at both ends of the room. Two hours later the shower was still going on, and shots had also dropped in the hall, which could not by any chance have rolled from the billiard room.

Naturally, the incident gave rise to an uncanny feeling, being apparently of the occult order. It is quite certain that it was not produced by practical joking on the part of any member in the club at the time. The club house, it may be mentioned, was once the residence of a well-known character in history at the beginning of the Commonwealth.

Dover Chronicle, 24th April 1909.