The Ghost of Markinch Gasworks.
From a Markinch reader.
For some time past a strange thing has been going on at the gas works in the village of Markinch. There are two stokers employed at different shifts, and one of them is pelted with missiles always on his nightshift week. The other man is not interfered with. Stones, half-bricks, bolts, etc., have come flying in all directions, but no serious damage has been done except the smashing of a gas lamp and mantle.
The “ghost” waits till the “we sma’ ‘oors ayont the twal” before he begins, and sometimes the annoyance lasts till five or six o’clock. Fully a score of men have tried to discover the culprit, but have failed, not even getting a glimpse of the “ghost.”
It must be an eerie job for the poor stoker, especially on the long dark winter nights.
Dundee Evening Telegraph, 27th September 1927.