
Marton, Lincolnshire (1907)

 Mysterious Rappings at a Marton Dwelling-house.

A good deal of excitement and curiosity has been caused by mysterious occurrences at a house at Marton, South Lincolnshire. For some time past the occupiers have been disturbed at nights by unaccountable rappings at the doors and windows. Up to the present the cause is an absolute mystery. One evening three distinct knocks were heard at the front door, but upon the tenant proceeding to open it no one was there. Shortly afterwards the knockings were repeated.

The same thing occurred on subsequent nights, and the village policeman secreted himself to watch and see if anyone was playing a prank. While he was thus engaged the knocks were frequently heard, and so loud occasionally that there were audible to the next door neighbour. 

On one occasion the tapping came to the door while the policeman stood by, and when there was absolutely nothing to reveal the cause of it. 

All attempts to unravel the mystery have proved in vain. The house has become notorious, and many people have visited it with the object of hearing the supernatural tappings for themselves.

Sheffield Daily Telegraph, 16th May 1907.