Ghostly goings-on at Meltham factory.
A spook with a sense of mischief is keeping workers company on the night shift at a Meltham firm, it is claimed. Several employees of Hygiene Products UK claim to have experienced ghostly goings-on at the premises in Knowle Lane, Meltham Mills.
Machinery has been mysteriously switched off and tools moved, spectral lights have been seen floating among pallets and a white cloud was spotted hovering below the ceiling. The hauntings became so frequent that a clergyman was called in.
Workers at the firm – which makes plastic bags and supplies cleaning products – have also heard laughter, singing and whistling. The clergyman blessed the building – but the spirit was only laid to rest for three weeks before returning. Now the company is appealing for information about the history of the mill, once part of the giant David Brown tractor complex, in a bid to identify the phantom.
Partner Julie Margaglione said: “Apparently this is the oldest part of the mill and we would like to know what it was used for in the last century.”
Huddersfield Daily Examiner, 27th September 1995.