I imagine this could be ‘The Greaves’.
Midgley Mystery.
Curious visitation at ancient homestead.
Unaccountable rappings.
The superstitious and those believing in the uncanny who reside in Midgley have had a great topic for their consideration during the past few days. It is said that a well-known house has had several mystic visitations. No one has seen a ghostly intruder, but what is still quite uncanny, many have heard nocturnal rappings and knockings which come from nobody knows where.
A well-known residence, situate in Midgley township, about a quarter of a mile east of the village, is the one concerned. It is a better class house, standing in the midst of a good estate, and can boast of a lodge and a coach-road. The house has a broad front looking out upon the estate, and, being on an eminence, the sloping [?s] and grazing fields can easily be viewed can easily be viewed. There is, indeed, a good look-out into the Luddenden valley. The approach other than up the coach-road, leads by a winding, narrow lane, and then branches out and proceeds down another road broad enough to admit vehicles. the road is bordered on the top with a narrow plantation, high in which stands a ruined house which has long had the unenviable reputation of being haunted. A dreadful crime is said to have been committed some 50 years ago in or near to this house, memorials of which have been inscribed on the walls. The road just mentioned leads to the back of the first house. This house is some four windows long and has two back doors, which face a narrow yard.
One of these doors, at certain times after nightfall, on most evenings last week, received prodigious thumps or knocks, which sounded throughout the house. When the door was opened, nothing could be seen or heard. Little was at first thought of this, but when it was repeated, the residents, mostly ladies, began to be uneasy. An air of ystery was added when it was noticed that the snow had no footprints, though the door had received vigorous knocks. The dog, too, which usually gives visitors a loud greeting, remained silent. What could it be?
It is believed the police have been on the spot and have even been in the house when the knocking was heard. on the door being almost immediately opened, nothing nor anyone could be seen nor heard. It is recorded (and here there seems to be a glimmer of light on the dark question) that, when a constable was inside, the knocks were heard, but on another occasion when a good look-out was kept by an officer in the yard outside, there were no knockings. This points to the possibility of someone playing a practical joke, especially as it would [be?] an easy matter to get from the yard and away up the plantation.
How to account for the absence of footprints and no announcement from the dog, is not clear, and that is where the mystery really rests. The theory that some object may have been thrown at the door is dismissed, because the knocks are more like the vigorous rappings from somebody’s strong fist rather than a mere sudden blow as caused by something colliding with the door.
A Midgley Ghost Story.
Elsewhere we relate how Midgley is experiencing quite a seasonable thrill. The story is that on the door of a well-known house a knock came at a certain time each evening. At first the residents thought some visitor had called, and they were surprised to find no one waiting when they opened the door. Then their suspicions rested upon mischief-making lads. And so a watch was kept behind the door, which was flung open immediately the knock was given. Result – nothing tangible. During the heavy snow there was no mark of footprints. Naturally the occupants of the house have been disturbed by this strange knocking. The fact that a tragedy once occurred near by adds zest to the story. Possibly it may turn out to be a subject for the Psychical Research Society, but for the present, the very matter of fact police have it in hand.
Halifax Evening Courier, 5th January 1909.