
Moulins, Allier, France (1925)

 Mystery Noises in Lonely House.

Violent Crash Answers Spiritualist’s Call.

Moulins, Tuesday.

Mysterious nocturnal rappings for many successive nights have disturbed both the peace of mind and the kitchen utensils of Mme. Adela Chassagnette, a widow of 80, living alone on the outskirts of Moulins. The visitations have generally started just before midnight, bottles and tins containing salt, pepper, and spices, being thrown to the ground.

Last night M. Firmin Pieux, – local Spiritualist, went to the supposed haunted house, armed with a small table. At midnight, no rapping having occurred, he placed the finger tips of Mme Chassagnette and the others present upon the table and said in a loud voice, “Spirit of Prosper Chassagnette, will you answer?” There was silence. “Will you, then, stop making noises here?” The table began to tip; and a violent knock almost dislodged the bricks from the chimney. Mme Chassagnette, more dead than alive, gasped, “My poor husband.” 

M. Pieux, unable to elicit further response, advised Mme. Chassagnette to bring back from a cellar her dead husband’s bed. Further investigations are to take place by experts from Paris.

Birmingham Daily Gazette, 7th October 1925.