Strange rappings cause of trouble.
Policeman startled by strange sounds finds hall empty.
New Castle, Pa., Feb. 1.
Rappings and gentle tappings that flit from the window panes to the doors and then come from the floor and the walls are mystifying the police and spirit mediums here and have driven the tenants of a big apartment house, the Kimberly, in Pennsylvania avenue, into a panic of fear. The rappings first started in the apartments occupied by A.G. Hanselman and then were heard in apartments occupied by the Gregors, Alsops and Kimberlys, Mrs Hanselman said today: “A rapping like a person knocking at my door startled me about ten minutes to seven last Friday evening. When I looked out in the hall no-one was in sight. The rappings have kept up since that time.”
So alarmed did the tenants become that four policemen were detailed to look into the matter. A policeman was stationed in each apartment. They admit hearing the rappings at all hours of the day and night, but have been unable to solve the mystery. One policeman, while sitting just inside the door, was startled by the loud clinking on the glass panel within a few inches of his head. Throwing open the door quickly, he found the lighted hallway empty.
Mrs Buckwalter, a medium, was sent for and tried all Saturday night and Sunday to read the rappings, but was compelled to admit she was unable to do so.
Ottawa Free Press, 3rd February 1913.