The Gods and the Delhi Police.
Delhi, July 8.
Mysterious stone-throwing of late at the treasury and lock-up police guards at the Deputy Commissioner’s cutchery has occurred at night. The guards assert that for the past three or four nights, at about midnight, large stones are hurled at them, and that all attempts to catch any of the stone-throwers have failed. They, therefore, infer that the missiles are thrown at them from the skies as an expression of the feelings of the gods against the Delhi police.
There is no doubt some practical joking on the part of our badmashes, and the matter is being quietly investigated.
Civil and Military Gazette (Lahore), 9th July 1890.
cutchery = a public office for administrative or judicial business like a courthouse.
badmashes = dishonest or unprincipled men.
Stone-throwing Ghosts.
The authors of the stone-throwing mystery at Delhi have been discovered in the persons of three policemen, members of the guard, who are now said to be in great trouble. It seems that they had a spite against the sergeant of the guard, and hoped to get him removed for his inability to discover the perpetrators of the practical joke. He was, however, too many[?sic] for the jokers.
Englishman’s Overland Mail, 29th July 1890.