
Ottery St. Mary, Devon (1909)

 Mysterious Missiles.

Window Smashing Extraordinary at Ottery.

The smashing of windows in New-street, Ottery, is causing something of a sensation. On Sunday morning, while Mr R Baker was shaving, he was suddenly surprised to hear some glass breaking, and on looking round he found that a pane of glass in his kitchen window had been smashed by a stone being thrown at it. He failed to find whence the missile came. It was not long before other panes of glass were broken in a similar manner. Later in the day the performance was repeated, and the police were sent for, but without result. In the evening more glass was broken, while the woodwork of the window was also damaged. 

During the evening a large number of people visited the scene, and while they were there several panes of glass were smashed, in adjoining cottages. Stones, as large as hen’s eggs, and pieces of brick, continued to be thrown, both at the front and the back of the house. 

On Monday morning the same thing continued, the missiles, as far as could be gathered, coming from different directions. Despite a diligent search by the police, the culprit or culprits could not be traced. During the evening several hundred inhabitants visited the spot, and while there a pane of glass was broken in the gable end of the cottages facing New-lane. Several young men scaled the wall of an orchard opposite immediately, but no one could be seen.

Within half an hour two more panes of glass were broken in one of the cottages further over in the row. Still the mystery as to how, or from where, the missiles were being thrown could not be solved. About 9 p.m. the crowd had grown to such proportions that the police were obliged to disperse them. 

Fortunately, no one has been seriously hurt, but several of the inhabitants of the cottages have been hit, while others have had narrow escapes from being injured.

Western Times, 8th September 1909.


Something like a sensation has been caused at Ottery St. Mary during the week by the mysterious smashing of windows in New-street. The affair started on Sunday morning, when Mr Roland Baker, who occupies one of the houses on the left-hand side of New-street, who was shaving, was suddenly startled by the smashing of the windows in his kitchen. Shortly afterwards other panes of glass were broken in a similar way. 

This occurred again in the afternoon and evening, and most of the houses in the street, on both sides of the road, front and back, were assailed. The police were sent for, but nothing could be found to throw any light on the affair. Hundreds of people visited the street on Sunday night and many were the theories advanced as to the cause of the damage. 

On Monday morning some more windows were broken. The same thing occurred in the evening. On Tuesday two panes of glass were smashed in the house of Mr George Rowe, thatcher. 

The affair has been the absorbing topic for the week. The police and several amateur detectives have been busy trying to unravel the mystery, but up to the present without result. Every night there are crowds of people in the vicinity, and the inhabitants are so terrified that some of them have not been to bed for two nights. Fortunately, no one has been injured.

Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 10th September 1909.