
Penang, Malaysia (1935)

Penang still haunted.

“Samseow” changes quarters.

With the Noordin Street “spook” still within memory, there now comes from Penang yet another ghost story – this time having its origin in and around Patani Road, the residents of which assert that a “Samseow” has made its haunt in the neighbourhood. The ghost, it would appear, has chosen for its scene of activities the house of a conservancy overseer, who was disturbed in his sleep one night and found himself lying about ten feet away from his bed the next morning!

Although this may seem a rather tall story, inquiries made, says the Straits Echo, reveal that there is something more than imagination behind the rumour which, needless to say, is causing more alarm among the more superstitious section of the residents. One resident said that ever since he read of the Noordin Street ghost he had been feeling an eerie atmosphere surrounding his house. “In all probability,” he added, “it is the same Samseow as the one in Noordin Street.” Further inquiries showed that the suggestion, improbable as it seemed, was not entirely without foundation. Indeed as was pointed out, ghosts have often been known to change their quarters.

To come back to the Patani Road ghost, it would appear that plates have been sent crashing to the floor and other such incidents have occurred which the superstitious can only attribute to the work of some unseen visitor from the other world.

A report has been made at the Magazine Station and police officers are being posted to keep watch over the scene of the ghost’s alleged operations.

The Straits Times, 23rd August 1935.