
Puttalam, Sri Lanka (1933)

 Family “Haunted” From Home.

Shower of stones fall on the roof.


A poor family have been compelled to leave their house in a small village near Puttalam, because they said, supernatural manifestations worried them so much. They reported that furniture moved about, apparently of its own accord; showers of stones descended on to the roof, even in broad daylight; when the doors, which had been shut and barred after the family left, were opened, plates were found smashed on the floor. – Reuter.

Belfast News-letter, 26th August 1933.


Haunted house in Ceylon village.

Moving about of furniture by unseen hand.

(From our own correspondent). Colombo, Aug.4.

Remarkable poltergeist manifestations are reported from a small village near Puttalam, creating the greatest interest and excitement. The phenomena occurred in a house on the main road where a poor family live. They consist of moving about of furniture and utensils by an unseen hand, sometime from inside the house into the garden, and showers of stones descending on the roof even in broad daylight.

The occupants were finally compelled to vacate the house, but crowds gather outside daily. It is reported that after the doors have been shut and barred they are opened again and later, plates and other articles found smashed on the floor.

Civil and Military Gazette (Lahore), 5th August 1933.