Weird Happenings Reported
Devoid of Foundation
Rumours of strange happenings in a district a few miles from Rathangan have received a good deal of currency within the area and far beyond its borders. In the first place it is alleged that nocturnal noises in the house of a resident of the townland in question cannot be attributed to natural causes: such noises, it is alleged, having been heard by the occupants for a long time back, and causing them considerable disquietude. Other rumours refer to the remarkable antics of a motor car, the property of the head of this particular household. The vehicle (people say with bated breath) insists upon travelling without driver or other (visible) occupant, but with its lights burning, even in the daytime. It is added that on several occasions the car, having been left by the wayside preparatory to being confined in its shed, followed the owner inside and saved him the trouble of garaging it. Then there are stories of half-cooked rashers flying out of the pan and attaching themselves to the ceiling and walls of the kitchen.
Under ordinary circumstances, it would be unnecessary to take any notice of such “old women’s tales,” but, as more serious rumours are being added, the result of which might cause trouble and misunderstanding in a very peaceful district, our representative investigated the statements on Monday and found that there is not the slightest basis for any of the aforementioned rumours. Nor is there a foundation for the more serious statements to which we refer.
Leinster Leader, 13th February 1937.