
Reading, Berkshire (1968)

 Poltergeist fear at Reading firm.

Minister called in for prayers.

Strange things have been happening at a Reading firm’s premises. And now a minister has been called in to say prayers in a bid to get rid of what is believed to be a poltergeist. The trouble at the Great Knollys Street centre of Telamite, which deals in specialised car components, began last Thursday. And, said a spokesman today, it coincided with two young people starting work at the former corn store. He added that one of the young people received hospital treatment for a minor injury, which could have occurred as the result of a poltergeist activity or might have been an ordinary accident.

The spokesman declined to say what had happened at the premises, or to give the names of the two people whom the Vicar of Holy Trinity, the Rev. Brian Brindley, who was called in, said appeared to be “a focus” for the poltergeist. 

It is believed that components in the stores have been moved, apparently not by natural means.

Mr Brindley said today: “I was called into business premises in my parish where there appeared to be phenomena of the type associated with poltergeists. I consulted the Bishop of Oxford and on his direction I have said prayers, but have not attempted any form of exorcism. It appears that the phenomena are continuing. I still have an open mind on the existence of poltergeists, or whether this is an authentic example of them. I am willing to continue under the Bishop’s direction attempting to deal with this. I visited the premises yesterday and again this morning, and I will spend as much time there as necessary.”

The firm’s spokesman said that reports that seven workers had left because of the poltergeist were “absolute nonsense.”

Reading Evening Post, 9th January 1968.