Mysterious Occurrences.
During the latter part of last week the Kettering-road inhabitants of this town have had their feelings excited and their minds disturbed by the report of certain unaccountable noises and knockings, which occurred at the house occupied by Mr Bell, the manager to Messrs. Ball and Son, Limited, the well-known agricultural implement manufacturers.
The noises, it appears, were first heard on Thursday evening, after Mr and Mrs Bell had retired, and, thinking a neighbour needed assistance, they rose, and found on enquiry that the neighbour had also risen from the same reason.
Many persons assembled outside the house on Friday, when the services of the police were called in, but the knocking continued more or less at intervals.
On Monday the servant maid was sent home, having, it is stated, said that the mysterious knockings were caused by her with the stopper from a ginger beer bottle.
Northampton Mercury, 18th August 1893.