
Runcorn, Cheshire (1996)

 Flat ghosts haunt mums.

Church offers to help women.

Two mothers who fear for the safety and welfare of their young children are to seek the help of the Church to rid their homes of two ghosts. The mums, who are neighbours on Castlefields, have requested their names be withheld in case they are merely branded as cranks. But they are adamant they have both experienced ‘strange goings on’. One of the mothers who is 20 with girls aged two and four, said she had lived at the Nigel Walk address since June. 

“Everything was all right at first,” she said, “But over the last four months strange things have started to happen. My eldest girl came running out of her front bedroom shouting spooks. At first I thought it was just a word she had picked up from watching television. Days later she walked out of her bedroom looking as if she was holding someone’s hand but there was nobody else with her.”

The mother has also seen what she describes as a misty figure appear in the bedroom. “I can’t make out if it is a man or a woman. It always appears at about 12.30 am in the same place. The room has central heating but always seems cold,” she said. “All I know is when I see anything I hide under the covers. I’ve just no idea what it is that is causing it or why it should be haunting my house.”

Her neighbour, 22, says her four-year-old son won’t sleep in the front bedroom of her home after seeing ‘Amy’ – the name the apparition of a young girl gave itself. “My son said Amy told him her mother was called Donna and kept mentioning a man’s name. Amy is supposed to appear out of one wall and then disappear through another. If I started going round telling everyone they would just laugh at me as though I was mad.”

The situation came to a head on Sunday when electrical appliances began turning themselves on and off and coats secured on a door hook fell off for no apparent reason. “It has been going on for too long now and something will have to be done for the sake of the children involved.” Both women say they have heard various stories that might give some clue to the strange happenings. One theory is a young lad died after plunging from a balcony above their flats, while they have also been told that a man hanged himself in one of the flats. Despite inquiries neither story can be substantiated, but that is of little consequence to the two mothers.

“Tell me how ornaments can fall off a shelf or an engagement ring placed in one place disappears only to be found minutes later in another part of the flat,” said one of the mums. 

Parish vicar the Rev Ray Samuels, of St Mary’s, Halton, said he would be prepared to speak to the mums about the situation. “It is too easy to say they might have high imaginations, but there is more to it than that,” he said. “I would be happy to talk to them and say prayers. I want them to know there is a solution.”

Runcorn Weekly News, 1st February 1996.