Haunted! Ghost keeps getting into bed with Christine.
A Murston couple at the end of their tether from being haunted by an “over-friendly” ghost have called in a man of the cloth to carry out an exorcism in their home. The ghost regularly gets into bed with Mrs Christine Storey (47) of Broom Road, usually whenever her husband Eric (48) is out of the room at night. The couple often hear mysterious footsteps in the hall of their first-floor flat. The property is built on part of Sittingbourne’s historic brickworkds and it is believed the lost soul coudl be of a worker who died on the site in an industrial accident.
Mysterious bumps in the night first began for the Storeys six months ago and have got so bad that unemployed Mr Storey is now forced to sleep on the living room settee to get 40 winks. “It really is very worrying, especially when it gets into bed with me,” Mrs Storey explained. “I keep thinking Eric has come in from the living room, but when I roll over no one in there in bed with me.”
Often the couple, both regular churchgoers, say the apparition presses down on the end of the bed to see if it is soft enough before laying down, but they have also experienced acute moments of coldness in the spirit’s presence. “It’s not a violent ghost, but after six months without a decent night’s sleep we decided to call in the church,” Mr Storey said.
The Rev. Brian Shersby, Vicar of Murston, Bapchild and Tonge, visited the home last week to speak to the couple. “There are spiritual powers around opposed to God, but using the power of prayer in situations like this has given 100 per cent success in removing the problem during the eight years I have been here in Sittingbourne,” Mr Shersby said.
East Kent Gazette, 23rd February 1994.
Sexy spook pesters wife.
A sex-mad ghost just won’t let a married housewife rest in peace. It keeps scaring the life out of 47-year-old Christine Storey by climbing into bed with her. Now Christine and her jobless husband Eric have called in the local vicar to exorcise the pest. Christine, of Sittingbourne, Kent, said: “It is very worrying. I keep thinking Eric has come in from the living room, but when I roll over no-one is there in bed with me.”
The People, 27th February 1994.
The ghost won’t go
An exorcism to rid a Murston couple of an “over-friendly ghost” has failed to end the haunted happenings at their home. Mr and Mrs Eric and Christine Storey, of Broom Road, called in Vicar of Murston, Bapchild and Tonge the Rev. Brian Shersby to try and banish the spook which regularly hops into the couple’s bed, usually whenever Mrs Storey is alone.
But they have also heard mysterious footsteps and experienced acute moments of coldness in the spirit’s presence. Now the couple have decided to apply to Swale Housing Association for a transfer.
The property is built on part of Sittingbourne’s historic brickworks and it is believed the lost soul could be of a worker who died on the site in an industrial accident. “Unfortunately the exorcism did not work and we have heard the footsteps again,” Mr Storey explained. “It is making us feel very uncomfortable. My wife feels someone is looking at her all the tiem when she is in the bedroom. I suppose if we can’t get a transfer we will have to try to live with the situation.”
East Kent Gazette, 2nd March 1994.
Ghostbuster called in to banish Murston’s spook.
A ghostbuster has helped banish an “over friendly” spook that has made a Murston’s couple’s lives a misery. The ghost would regularly get into bed with Mrs Christine Storey, of Broom Road, usually whenever her husband Eric was out of the room at night. Over the six months the haunted happenings took place, the couple would often hear mysterious footsteps in the hall of their first-floor flat and experience acute moments of coldness in the spirit’s presence.
But a paranormal investigator got in touch with the couple after reading in the East Kent Gazetteof the couple’s plight and helped evict the lost soul in just one night’s work.
Mr Storey said he and his wife remained in their flat during the ghost-buster’s visit. “She spent the evening talking to the ghost, a power she says she has had for years, and after telling it to go it did just that and disappeared,” Mr Storey explained. “All three of us had goose pimples as the spirit left the flat, but it was a great relief for it all finally to be over.”
Mr Storey said the paranormal investigator “felt” the spook had probably not died in an industrial accident on Sittingbourne’s historic brickworks – as was first thought. He thought he had died much further back in history, and probably came from the Murston Roman burial ground.
Mr and Mrs Storey are applying to Swale Housing Association for a transfer to a new home.
East Kent Gazette, 23rd March 1994.