
South Hanover, Massachusetts, USA (1912)

 The Playful Ghost.

A remarkable ghost story comes from the town of South Hanover, Massachusetts, where the Rev. Charles F Donohue and his household have fled from the parish house of the Church of the Sacred Heart (says the “Daily Express”). Father Donohue declares, and his entire household corroborates his statement:-

That clocks and furniture have been picked up by unseen hands and dashed to pieces in broad daylight.

That heavy furniture has been toppled over by invisible arms.

That an alarm clock has risen of its own accord from a table and hurled itself against a wall.

That a hatstand, apparently of its own volition, has executed a saraband in the front hall.

A corps of volunteers who agreed to watch the house told how chairs and tables fell apart, dishes played leapfrog, and pictures swung on a wall before their eyes. During one of the “ghost-walks” bedclothes are said to have been snatched from a bed and torn in front of Miss Margaret O’Connell, the housekeeper, and James Hoben, a friend of Father Donohue.

Midlothian Advertiser, 16th August 1912.