
Southampton, Hampshire (1843)

 A Bit of Mystery – Southampton, Jan. 18.

Much curiosity has been excited in the neighbourhood of Anglesea place, Southampton, during the last two days, in consequence of the door-bell at No. 9, Anglesea-place, the residence of a rich lady named Fiott, repeatedly ringing without any visible agency. It first commenced ringing in a most unaccountable manner, on Monday, and the noise was repeated for eight or ten hours every ten or twenty minutes. Yesterday workmen were employed to examine the bell wire, to ascertain the cause of the singular annoyance; and while they were examining it and persons were placed so as to observe every portion of the wire attached to the bell, the latter mysteriously rang, and it was distinctly observed that this was occasioned, not by a mere vibration of the wire, but by the latter being pulled very considerably out of its usual position, as if by the finger. The wall has been cut away through which the wire passes, to prevent it from being disturbed by a rat or mouse; but still the ringing continues, and no one can imagine the cause. What renders this strange affair more singular is that it commenced as soon as an aged domestic servant of the house was taken dangerously ill.

Globe, 19th January 1843.