
Stapleford, Nottinghamshire (1923)

 Notes of the District.

For several weeks past mysterious “rappings” have been heard at nights in houses near Stapleford railway station. Various explanations of the knockings have been forthcoming, and neighbours have inclined to the theory that a human agency is responsible for them. The rappings have at times been sufficiently loud to be heard outside in the street and in the neighbouring houses. Whatever agency is responsible, the noises have certainly caused much lost sleep in the two houses mainly affected!

In recent weeks the sounds have abated, but for several weeks seldom was a night missed. Spiritualists have been investigating the matter, and one of them, residing in this locality, affirms that he and his colleagues who have interested themselves in the matter, are convinced that a man who formerly lodged at one of the houses in the time of a previous tenant and died there some years ago under rather tragic circumstances, is responsible for the disturbance. The minute description ogiven of a man by a clairvoyant at one of the meetings held on the spot, has, he says, been recognised and fully corroborated by those who knew him in the flesh.

With regard to the theory that the rappings have been due to a human agency, he points out, that as there have been hundreds of “raps” in the whole period one would expect to find substantial marks on the walls. He declares that the few minor marks that there are, are not consistent with this theory. As to how far, if at all, a human agency has been used he leaves an open question.

Stapleford and Sandiacre News, 1st September 1923.


A Stapleford Mystery.

To the Editor.

Sir, – In reading your “Notes from the District” last week, I particularly noticed the article referring to the mysterious rapping, etc. May I, as a reader of your valuable paper, ask if you would kindly insert the following. Living next door to where the rappings have taken place, my family and I have lost many hours rest through it. We called in the police and also consulted three Spiritualists, each of whom has heard the rapping distinctly, and each, including a well-known clairvoyant who was present whilst the rapping was furious, affirm that it was human. [sic] The tenants were informed of the result of the seance.

It is very cuirous that no rapping has taken place unless a human agent has been there. I venture to say that 30 witnesses or more can verify my statement. Now as to whether a human agency is responsible or not I, too, will leave an open question. – Yours, etc., John Mason. Wellington-street, Stapleford.

Stapleford and Sandiacre News, 8th September 1923.