We hear from Sturry of a very odd Affair of a House thought to be haunted, wherein live one Mr. Wotton and his Wife, both very ancient and of good Repute, their Grandson about 13 Years of Age, and a Maidservant. ‘Tis reported the first Disturbance happen’d about a Fortnight ago, when in the Evening Mrs Wotton hearing a Noise in her Parlour, went in, and soon tumbled over some things that were flung about the Room, and of a sudden a new Gown on her Back was tore to pieces; since which some of her other Clothes have been serv’d in like manner, and two or three Barrels of strong Beer let out about the Cellar, empty Barrels with Provisions and other things have been flung into the Well, where they have been taken out, to the great Surprize of the Old Folks, as well as others; which cannot as yet be accounted for, tho’ very likely to end like other Things of that nature.
Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, 26th January 1737.